JOY BOGAT „Raise My Glass“

Mal wieder ein guter Grund für eine Sonntags-Empfehlung. JOY BOGAT. Aus Hannover. Schon allein daher verdient sie unsere uneigenrschränkte Aufmerksamkeit. Wie gut, dass ihr neuer „Raise My Glass“ Song noch dazu mit ganz eigener Soul-Qualität um die Häuser zieht und uns dabei zufällig begegnete. Rollierender Beat, wohlsortierte Produktion, greifende Melodie und ein Statement, dessen Inhalt die Joy wie folgt in Worte fasst: „“Raise My Glass‘ came about at the beginning of this year during a period when I was reminded that my family has shaped me more than I might have liked. With the realization that I carry all these influences with me, I wanted to create something forward thinking out of it, I think there are so many patterns in families, so much that is carried on from generation to generation. And how nice it is to acknowledge the path of your own family and look in which direction it should go in the future? In the meantime, by the way, I have the feeling that the song wrote itself – I only realized months later that the next generation I’m talking about in the song had already grown inside me when the song was written.“ Auf dein Wohl, Joy Bogat!

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