RASHEED ALI „1968 Love Power“ (Digital Rain Factory)

Geschichts-Stunde, Teil 3. Wieder mit einer Einführung, und unter Anleitung, von Rasheed Ali.
Nach Soul Power und Black Power jetzt Love Power. Jeweils mit unvermittelt direkten Eindrücken jener Zeit. Prägend für die USA, mit weitreichendem Einfluss für alle Zeitzeugen. Die Liebe in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Mit, durch, über und zwischen den Frauen. Mutter, Schwester, Freundin, Gespielin, Geliebte, Partnerin, Frau. Rasheed gibt Einblicke, Kommentare und erzählt Geschichten. Vielfältig und bunt. Zwischen alleinerziehender Mutter und Make Love Not War Attitüde. Die Musik dazu? Soul in der Tradition der 60er. Eingespielt mit den Mitteln der Jetztzeit. Meist allein von Herrn Ali, mit kurzen Zugaben aus der Horn-Abteilung. Weniger „funky“ und „edgy“, als die Sounds des Soul Power Albums, dafür mit fließenden Beatz und eher unaufdringlichen Arrangements – einfach „groovy“, eine Art von „sexy-mini-super-flower-pop-op-soul“, um es mit den unvergessenen „Afri-Cola“ Worten aus der 68er Abteilung zu sagen. Und da wir derzeit auf kein musikalischen Netz-Stück zum Album zurückgreifen können, wollen wir nachfolgend den Rasheed Ali selbst zu Wort kommen lassen:
„The 1968 Trilogy was a seed of an idea back in 2012, a crazy idea to write and perform semi-autobiographical songs about coming of age in the 1970s. For me, this so-called concept album was a cathartic experience akin to past-lives therapy. The 1968 Trilogy was never a contrivance, I never had to force myself into a niche of nostalgia, all I had to do was express my memories unabashedly.
Thankfully, I’ve lived what most would call „a very interesting life“ that allowed me to witness or be a part of many of the critical aspects of the turbulent, mind-expanding times this work explores. I kept to what I knew first hand, and I created a work that was more like a long day dream written, in the past, from a young man’s perspective. I never wanted to look back and write from any self-realized wisdom; I wanted to write about questions instead of answers.
Now, it’s been less than a week since we’ve released 1968:Love Power! as the third and final chapter of The 1968 Trilogy. When I started sharing this dream in April, 2015 with 1968:Soul Power! I really had no idea where it would lead nor what exactly I wanted it to become. Last year when I released 1968:Black Power! I could feel my vision becoming more clear and my voice becoming stronger. Whereas Soul Power! was an overview that allowed listeners a chance to get acclimated to my dreamscape, Black Power! was a more intimate look into the lives of the people who live the history.
Love Power! does take intimate a step further; into the world of pure emotions. This album is an attempt to see the 360 degrees of what love can be: the good, the bad and the ugly. It could easily be overlooked today but the „summer of love“ generation gave birth to social attitudes that are currently in full bloom. Ever since then, young people have taken a greater role in expressing and controlling the discussions of what „free love“ and intimacy looks like.“
Vielen Dank!

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